Research Article | Open Access
Scientific research on management of Hypovolemic shock among dental students
Amit Kumar Singh Revathi Duraisamy Dhanraj M. Ganapathy
Pages: 1933-1943
Background:Shock is defined as the state in which profound and widespread reduction of effective tissue
perfusion leads first to reversible, and then if prolonged,to irreversible cellular injury.It is caused by a loss of
intravascular fluid which is usually whole blood or plasma. Whole blood loss from an open wound is an obvious
cause for hypovolemic shock.Hypovolemic shock is associated with disorders that cause an underlying
hemodynamic defect of a low intravascular volume and a reduction in myocardial contractility.It is a
consequence of decreased preload due to intravascular volume loss. The decreased preload diminishes stroke volume, resulting in decreased cardiac output (CO).The systemic vascular resistance (SVR) is typically increased
in an effort to compensate for the diminished CO and maintain perfusion to vital organs.
Aim:To assess and create awareness on management of hypovolemic shock among dental students.
Material and Methods: A questionnaire of 10 questions based on creating awareness on management of
Hypovolemic shock among dentists,collected data were tabulated and statistically analyzed.
Results:The total sample of this study was 150 participants.55.56% were male and 44.44% participants were
females. 78.70% of the study population were aware of types of hypovolemic shock.38% participants responded as
tachycardia was the first sign of shock.Chi Square test was done, it was found to be statistically significant since p
value-.0.001 (p<0.05)
Conclusion:Within the limits of the study it was found that dental students are well aware of hypovolemic
shock,they are also aware of clinical signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock. The limit of this study was found
that most of the participants were aware of hypovolemic shock and the first sign of hypovolemic shock and their
management.This survey helped in creating awareness of management of hypovolemic shock.
Hypovolumic shock, cardiac output, shock, systemic vascular resistance,innovation.