Research Article | Open Access
Septic Shock:Knowledge among dental proffesionals
Aarthi Muthukumar Revathi Duraisam Dhanraj M Ganapathy
Pages: 1944-1955
Septic shock results when infectious microorganisms in the bloodstream induce a profound inflammatory response
causing hemodynamic decompensation. This inflammatory response causes activation of leukocytes and endothelial
cells, as well as activation of the coagulation system. The excessive inflammatory response that characterises septic
shock is driven primarily by the cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 (IL-1), which are
produced by monocytes in response to an infection. The primary infection is most commonly caused by bacteria, but
also may be by fungi, viruses or parasites. It may be located in any part of the body, but most commonly in the
lungs, brain, urinary tract, skin or abdominal organs. It can cause multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and death.
AIM : To assess the level of awareness on septic shock among dental students MATERIALS AND METHOD : A set of 11 questionnaires was formulated and distributed among the study
population. The participants were asked to fill a questionnaire. The survey was done in an online forum. A total of
100 validated entries were collected. Data was entered into Microsoft Excel 2007 and analysed in SPSS V20.
Associations between categorical variables were determined using Chi-square. P < 0.05 was considered statistically
RESULTS: Chi square test was done and it was found that 48% of the participants were aware about the type of
shock, even though it is statistically not significant (p value- 0.436), 52% of respondents were aware about risk
factors of developing septic shock with p value 0.449 (not significant)
CONCLUSION :Within the limitations of the study, it was seen that 45% of the participants were aware about
septic shock, even though it is statistically not significant (p value- 0.436), 52% of respondents were aware about the
risk factor for sepsis with p value 0.449(not significant) and 76% of participants responded that blood pressure will
be normal in patients with septic shock.The survey results showed that the students are aware about the types and
risk factors of septic shock but unaware about the systemic complications and symptoms of septic shock. Thus
dental professionals should be educated about signs and symptoms of septic shock.
Septic shock, Awareness, Dental students, Innovative technology