Dr. Rachid Boumali
This article explores the dynamic relationship between social movements and political opportunity structures, highlighting how these movements both shape and are shaped by their socio-political environment. The discussion focuses on four key categories of political opportunities: access to political systems, instability of political elites, elite divisions, and cultural dimensions such as legitimacy and public discourse. It examines how social movements leverage these opportunities to influence policy and expand political access for marginalized groups. Additionally, the article analyzes political opportunities as both independent and dependent variables. While opportunities can foster the emergence and development of social movements, these movements also reshape the political landscape by creating new opportunities for themselves, other groups, and even opposing forces. Using examples such as the feminist movement in Algeria and the civil rights movement in the United States, the study demonstrates how collective action alters political frameworks. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of integrating subjective perceptions and objective structures in understanding mobilization dynamics. By balancing structural analysis with strategic agency, the article provides a comprehensive perspective on the interplay between social movements and political opportunities.
Social Movements, Political Opportunity, Collective Action, Social Mobilization, Political Influence.