Research Article | Open Access
Student Scientific Output in Social Science Journals: A review of Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay
Renzo Felipe Carranza Esteban Oscar Mamani-Benito Josué Edison Turpo Chaparro Percy G. Ruiz Mamani Ronald M. Hernández
Pages: 425-432
To describe the scientific production of undergraduate students in applied social
science journals, indexed in SciELO Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay between the years
2014-2017. Materials and methods. Bibliometric study. 1253 articles in 19 applied
social science journals (original, review and letter to the editor) indexed in Scielo
Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay were analyzed. Results. 0.95% of the publication types
have student participation, in addition 3652 authors were counted, of which 0.5% are
students. In addition, Peru has the largest number of magazines with student
participation; Ecuador with the highest amount of articles written by students (1.4%)
and Paraguay evidences student production since 2017. Conclusion. Little
participation of undergraduate students from Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay was found
in scientific publications in social science magazines. It is recommended to
strengthen and encourage the generation and dissemination of scientific studies and
to monitor the increase in student participation.
Bibliometrics, scientific journals, social sciences, university students, SciELO.