Research Article | Open Access
Survelince of junk food as a factor causing Dental Caries
Noor Fathima. J, Dinesh Premavathy, M.SC. Ph.D
Pages: 1912-1923
Aim To find the prevalence of dental caries due to junk food intake in younger individuals.
Introduction The frequent consumption of simple carbohydrates, especially in the form of
dietary sugars is associated with increased risk of dental caries. Due to lack of availability of
quality food stores in rural and poor neighbourhoods, food insecurity and changing dietary
beliefs resulting from acculturation including changes in traditional ethnic eating behaviours,
can further deter helpful eating and increase risk for early childhood caries and obesity.
Unfortunately today’s world has been adapted to a system of consumption of junk food which
has several adverse effects on health. Thus the study was conducted to find the prevalence
and awareness of dental caries due to consumption of junk food intake in younger individuals
between 18-35 years of age group, in Chennai district.
Materials and methods A questionnaire was created and circulated as google forms. 100
responses were collected and results were analysed using Spss software.
Results The study concluded that though people are aware about ill effects of junk food, they
still opt for it. The reasons include changing lifestyle and working habits. Junk food affects
people’s physical development in detrimental ways, including unhealthy weight gain, which can result in self-esteem problems in future. It is a cross sectional study future analytical
study required for more accurate results.
Conclusion The study concluded that people are more attracted to words like junk food. It is
due to the time effective and cost effective nature of junk food. Junk food can affect a child’s
physical development in detrimental ways, including unhealthy weight gain.
Adverse effects, dental caries, empty calories, junk food, unhealthy diet.