Research Article | Open Access
Balwant singh Rawat
Pages: 3964-3970
The agricultural sector is crucial to a nation's economy, yet it also happens to be the sector most at risk from climate change. Food security and sustainable development throughout the world are under jeopardy because of climate change. By 2050, the global population is projected to have grown by a third. Statistical methods were used to analyze the study's data. The data was analyzed using the Ordinary Least Squares technique in E-Views and tabular analysis. In emerging nations, the rate of growth would be the greatest. Finding out how main crop yields in India are being influenced by climatic parameters like temperature and rainfall was the primary motivation for this research, which examined the effects of climate change on food security. The circumstances under which farming is practiced are likewise being severely impacted by climate change. Climate change is a major contributor to the spread of pests and illnesses. Climate change is having devastating and far-reaching consequences on our ecosystems. Maintaining adequate food supplies in such a setting is a terrifying prospect for the human race. The effects of climate change on agricultural output and food security in India were assessed in this research. Climate change and fluctuation are major issues in India. Agricultural output and food security are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and climatic variability.
Impact, Climate Change, Agriculture, Food Security,Crop Production