Research Article | Open Access
Halil TANIR, Dr. Taner YILMAZ
Pages: 141-154
Anxiety about the future is often observed in university students. University students starting to make plans for their future to find a job to secure their future increase their anxiety. This causes university students to start looking for other opportunities, making entrepreneurship important as an alternative career option as well as entrepreneurship education in universities. For this reason, the study aimed to determine the relationship between future anxiety and entrepreneurship among candidate physical education and sport teachers. The sample of the study consisted of 682 (n=275 female and n=407 male) volunteering students aged 18-37 years (22.16±2.61) studying in the spring semester of the academic year 2022-2023 in the physical education and sport teaching departments of sport science faculties of five different state universities. The Future Anxiety Scale for University Students was used to determine the participants' future anxiety, and the Entrepreneurship Scale for University Students was used to determine their level of entrepreneurship. The data for the cross-sectional analytical study were collected using an online survey after receiving approval from the Ethics Committee for Scientific Research and Publication of Uşak University. The data obtained from the scales were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 package program. Statistical analyses revealed a statistically significant difference between participants in terms of future anxiety by gender, college, and family income status (p<0.05). At the same time, a statistically significant difference was found between participants in terms of level of entrepreneurship by grade level and family income status (p<0.05). The study found that there was a weak and positive relationship between future anxiety and entrepreneurship (r=0.30; p<0.05). We concluded that gender, college degree, and family income status affected future anxiety; class level and family income status affected the level of entrepreneurship and that depending on the increase of participants' future anxiety, there was an increase in the level of entrepreneurship, although at a low level.
Physical education and sport, Future anxiety, Entrepreneurship level