Research Article | Open Access
Teachers’ Transfer and Academic Performance of Students in Secondary Schools and the need for Counselling
MAKINDE, Veronica Ibitola
Pages: 391-398
This study examined the relationship between teachers transfer and academic performance of secondary school students and the need for counselling services in Ekiti state secondary schools. The study adopted ex-post facto and descriptive research design of the survey type. The population comprised of all transferred teachers of secondary schools and their students in 2022/2023 academic in Ekiti State while the sample comprised of 75 teachers selected through purposive and stratified random sampling techniques. Two sets of instruments were used; structured questionnaire titled Teacher Transfer Questionnaire and a ten item test on each of the subjects taught by the transferred teachers. The instruments were subjected to validity and reliability mechanisms. The instruments yielded reliability coefficient of 0.85 and 0.75 respectively which were considered high enough for the study. Data were analyzed using both descriptive (frequency count, percentage and pie chart) and inferential statistics (Pearson Moment Correlation coefficient and Correlation Matrix) to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant. It was revealed among others that most of the transfers done were based on involuntarily. There was significant relationship between student performance and Type of transfer in Secondary schools, also there were relationships between all the independent variables and dependent variable (student performance). Based on the findings, appropriate conclusions and recommendations were made.
Teacher Transfer, Voluntary Transfer, Involuntary Transfer and Counselling services.