Research Article | Open Access
The Lived Experiences of Single Mothers of Children with Disabilities: Mothers' Voices
Mr. GurmessaChala Gemeda Dr.Pavan Kumar Yadavalli
Pages: 4503-4509
The goal of this study was to investigate about the lived experiences of single mothers who have children with
disabilities.Data was obtained from three single mothers of children with disabilities in order to achieve the study's
goal. The study used a phenomenological research design. Semi-structured interviews were utilized as a data
collecting tool. The data was analyzed using thematic data analysis. The established themes were brought together.
The findings revealed that mothers attributed the causes of disability to evil spirits, God's gift, curse, punishment,
and a lack of vaccination during pregnancy. Financial constraints, caregiving, housing, loneliness, employment,
stress, and a lack of government help have all been mentioned as barriers to raising children with disabilities.
Among the coping mechanisms utilized by moms were religious belief, social companionship, hope, and help from
specialists specialized in special needs education and social workers. It is recommended financial and material
supports are crucial for mothers and their children with disabilities.
Children with disabilities,Lived experiences, Single mothers.