Research Article | Open Access
The Method of Teaching Children in English and in Swimming with Smart Virtual Using 4.0 Simulation Technology
Le Thi Thanh Huong Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy Nguyen Thi Hang Nguyen Thi Hoa
Pages: 254-260
Children from 0-10 age are so young and need proper teaching methods. In this
study we suggest both teaching methods of English for children, and teaching them
to drowning is smart virtual using 4.0 simulation technology for children.
Our study mainly use qualitative analysis, synthesis and inductive methods,
combined with explanatory methods and dialectical materialism methods.
Research results show us that we need to describe a process for teaching english
with good teaching method, as well as teach them how to swim because Swimming
helps children develop in the best way both intellectually and physically. Through
creative teaching method, teachers and parents can help their children to
communicate better and support them via learning by playing method.
Last but not least, this study can be developed in order to enhance other life skills of
our children
Children, English Teaching, Smart Virtual, 4.0 Simulation Technology