The Nature of Civil Liability of CapitalCompany Managers in the Legal Systems of Iran and Afghanistan
Jalil Ahmad Jalil, Dr. Mohammad Gholamalizadeh
The civil liability of commercial capital company managers is a kind of liability arising from the act of a person. In this type of liability, in case of violation of the law and contract or providing the fault, error, negligence, and inattention of the manager and causing damages to the company, partners, and third parties, the companymanager is liable to compensate the incurred losses.
Protecting the interests of partners, companies, and third parties by capital company managers has long been the concern of legislators and jurists and has been officially accepted in civil law, civil liability, and commercial lawas a legal and contractual duty for the managers of capital companies.
The main question raised in this paperwhich the researcher tries to answer is: What is the nature of the civil liability of capital company managers in the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Afghanistan?
Based on the hypotheses and contents compiled in this paper, it is obvious that the nature of the civil liability of capital company managers in two legal systems can be conceived legally and contractually, and in case of violation of laws or fault, error, and indiscretion, the culpritis liable for compensation.
The present research collected information by the library research method, and compiled data with a descriptive, analytical, and comparative approach.
The research findings show that the nature of the guardian’s civil liability is reflected in two legal systems, sometimes legally and sometimes contractually.