Research Article | Open Access
The Role of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in Educating Children and its Applications to Prevent Gadget Addiction among Children
Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Wan Nur Izzati Wan Nor Anas Mohamad Zaidin Mohamad Abdul Hanis Embong Wan Khairul Aiman Wan Mokhta
Pages: 718-722
Nowadays, technological advances are expanding rapidly around the world, including
Malaysia. Technology has a lot of positive impacts on the survival of everyday
society, such as meeting human needs and wants. One of the technologies that are
gaining the community's attention, including children today, is gadgets. However,
using these gadgets sometimes causes people to become addicted to using them if
not controlled. This situation also affects children because children also include those
who are easily addicted to using gadgets. Although gadgets provide benefits, when
their use is excessive and uncontrolled, this will have a detrimental effect on health
and morale. Therefore, there are two main objectives of this article written. First, to
explain the disadvantages of gadget addiction in children, the second objective is to
analyze the role of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in educating children and its
application to prevent gadget addiction. To fulfil the objectives, the documentation
method is carried out. The data were collected and analyzed based on content
analysis to apply the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w method in educating children to
overcome gadget addiction among children. The study found three main ways of the
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in educating children imitated by parents in overcoming
children's addictions such as parents being role models to children, communicating
with the child and choosing friends.
Addiction, Gadget, Children, Prophet, Islam.