Research Article | Open Access
The Tutorial Action in University Accounting Students
Katherine Cáceres-Fuentes Yanina Gallardo-Lolandes Danny Alonso Lizarzaburu Aguinaga Yudith Ivonne Alata Cusy4 Sandy Dorian Isla Alcoser
Pages: 478-487
The non-experimental and cross-sectional type of research was aimed at
determining the predominance of dimensions and indicators with respect to
the tutorial action; the specific objectives were to determine the predominant
indicator of each dimension (personal, academic and professional
development). The sample was estimated at 293 participants. The survey
was used as a technique. According to the results, 64.8% indicated that the
tutorial action received was "regular"; 33.2% perceived it as “adequate” and
only 2% stated it was “inadequate”. It was concluded that the tutorial action
is considered as regular within the learning process in Accounting students.
Tutorial action; personal development; professional development; academic development.