Research Article | Open Access
The preparation for schooling from an empowering construction perspective, between teachers and family members
Lismay Pérez Rodríguez Pablo Ángel Morales Martínez Yrene Cecilia Uribe Hernández3 Doris Fuster-Guillen Jessica Paola Palacios Garay William Eduardo Mory Chiparra
Pages: 527-532
The present research shows how to achieve the preparation for schooling, by taking
as a starting point, the empowering construction perspective between teachers and
family members. It demonstrates the orientation of families' to attain the conditions
for their special needs children, associated to intellectual disability, to enter nursery.
This study proposes a system of workshops, through which families have a
protagonic role and offer their experiences while teachers take advantage of this
context to potentiate the learning process of basic elements and the affective
environment that guarantee the successful acquisition of new contents at school
the preparation for schooling, the empowering construction, the orientation of families.