Research Article | Open Access
The virtues of translation
Dr. Aissa kouissi
Pages: 77-85
The text sustains its existence through translation, and the modification and transformation that occurs to it, and the original is also renewed by the modification and selection of words and structures that it receives and their adaptation to the receiving culture, environment, and era. It grows, matures, and is renewed to suit the needs and passions of the reading public and consumers.
We rely on Antoine Galland’s translation as a model for reference.
Did Antoine Galland's translation really contribute to the growth, maturity and immortality of the text of One Thousand and One Nights? We conclude that translation is not a pure transfer, but rather a transformation and reincarnation, and sometimes a new birth and perpetuation of the texts, and a brilliant manifestation of them.
translation, transformation, growth, maturity, renewal, eternity.