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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 16 2024 | None
Translation of the critical term: An approach to dimensions and mechanisms of semantic generation
Dr. Mouada Aldjia
Pages: 400-409
Through this study, we seek to present the most important dimensions that frame the orbit of terminological practice, in its translational context, due to the effective and fundamental role it plays in the issue of knowledge formation, with a semantic and cultural load. The keys to science are their terminology, as Al-Khwarizmi sees it. Rather, it is the summary of research into it in every context. Era and Egypt, with its beginning begins the public presence of science, and in its development the development of science is summarized. There is no knowledge without a term. This is what made scholars, ancient and modern, keen to conduct many studies related to the term for no other reason than that they realized its importance, which appears through the functions it performs within the system of scientific and cognitive discourse. In order to prove this, we adopted a study that seeks to question the functional dimensions that establish the terminological industry and to clarify the basics of translation practices based primarily on awareness of semantic generation. According to the supportive genealogical approach. Accordingly, we arrived at a number of results that serve the approach’s endeavor, which is that the multiplicity of translations and variation in terminology results, firstly, from the breadth of our Arabic language. Secondly, an attempt to keep pace with Western cognitive and cultural production out of keeping up and being contemporary within productive cultural frameworks and contexts without neglecting the idea of glorifying Arab identity and spreading the spirit of heritage. Arab and Islamic, which highlights the originality of deep and distinct Arab thinking. This is an important motivation to prove the effectiveness of this important and purposeful study. The term is a tool of scientific thinking, and a means of scientific and literary progress. Before that, it is a common language that serves the psychology of interaction and communication between people in general, or at least between a special class or group in a specific field of life.
Communication - Knowledge –Terminology- Translation.