In this busy world, everyone is in the urgent of finishing their work, as all want to utilize their time morebeneficially
and don’t want their time get wasted. Of course, it is perfectly fine, as there is nothing precious than time. This project that we
brought to the table is also dealing with saving time, money and man effort. We want to solve the issues that students are facing
in many college stationery stores. One more note, the issue that we are going to talk about is related to printing and xeroxing
service that the college stationery stores provide, it is not related to buying stationery products. In most of the colleges, the
stationery would be always crowded, the main reason for this is simple, in colleges the students would be allowed to visit the
stationery only at break and interval time. So, it makes all the students who are in need of stationery, visit the stationery at same
time, because that is the allowed time forthem and they need to follow their college rules and they shouldreport the class on time.
These situations of students automatically make the stationery crowded. Then the result willbe obvious that all the students need
to wait until their turn comes to give their order. Mostly, in such situations the store would follow the token system. Token
system is nothing, all the students who are all giving their order will be given with token and they need to return back that token
to store owner when they receive their completed order. It is fairly good method as the students are not needed to wait in the
stationery store until their order is completed, they can get their order later if it is completed. But anyhow they need to wait in the
crowd to get their token. Surely, it will lead the students to have their time wasted in the stationery. One more issue here is, when
one student is given a token, he doesn’t know whether his order is completed or not. If he goes to stationery with token to receive
his order and his order is not yet completed, then he needs to wait or he needs to go back and visit the stationery again after some
time. This is also one more practical issue which will hugely waste the students’ time, not only time, their man effort also. It will
surely give students a poor experience of stationery. To print the hard copies, there is no way, anyhow they need to visit the
stationery, but the problem is, we also need to visit the stationery to print the soft copies. In this modern era, we all know the
power of internet, so we can make use of it to give our order of printing the softcopy. This is what our project is. Our idea is,
developing one web application with the help of which the students can give their order of printing soft copies through devices
like mobiles, laptops in online.
MEAN, mongodb, angular, nodejs, express,mongoose, full stack, web application