Research Article | Open Access
What Reading Grid for Argumentative Discourse Would Facilitate the Task of Writing the Critical Report?
Dr. Benradja Rabya
Pages: 531-538
This article aims to identify the reading objectives that third-grade secondary school students should achieve while studying liturgical discourse. This study was conducted while writing reports for this type of discourse. We examined the theory of liturgical discourse, the reporting technique, and the reading goals outlined by four authors. Subsequently, we analyzed the objectives set by S. Chartrand (1994). This analysis revealed that the reading objectives described for the four texts authored by S. Chartrand need to align with the technical reporting standards. We propose objectives that illustrate the reader's behavior towards this type of discourse, emphasizing that this behavior should be harmonious and reflect the reporting technique.
argumentative discourse; critical account; reader's language behavior in argumentative discourse; analysis of S. Chartrand's reading grid; reading objectives for the critical account of argumentative discourse.