Other Policies
Manuscript Preparation

Authors who would like to submit their manuscripts to the INT-JECSE should prepare their manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). The followings are some useful information based on the Checklist for Manuscript Submission by the APAwhen preparing your manuscript:



  •  The entire manuscript - including quotations, references, author notes, content footnotes, figure captions, and all parts of tables - should be neatly prepared in double spaced.
  •  Manuscripts should be in length of between 20-25 pages.
  •  The title page, abstract, references, appendixes, author notes, content footnotes, tables, figure captions, and figures should NOT be on separate pages (with only one table or figure per page). They should be ordered in sequence, with the text pages between the abstract and the references.
  •  All pages should be numbered in sequence, starting with the title page.
  •  Since the manuscript will be receiving masked review, the author notes should be typed on the title page. The manuscript's title page should consist only of article, running head, and date.
  •  A cover letter should be included with the manuscript. The cover letter should include "the author's postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number for future correspondence and state that the manuscript is original, is not previously published, and not under concurrent consideration elsewhere."


Title Page and Abstract

  •  Title should not exceed 10 to 12 words.
  •  The abstract should be no longer than 180-200 words.
  •  Title page should include 3-5 keywords.


Paragraphs and Headings

  •  Each paragraph should be longer than a single sentence but not longer than one manuscript page.
  •  The levels of headings should accurately reflect the organization of the paper.
  •  All headings of the same level should appear in the same format.



  •  Any unnecessary abbreviations should be eliminated and any necessary ones should be explained.
  •  Abbreviations in tables and figures should be explained in the table notes and figure captions or legends.


Mathematics and Statistics

  •  Greek letters and all but the most common mathematical symbols should be identified on the manuscript.
  •  All non-Greek letters that are used as statistical symbols for algebraic variables should be in italics.


Units of Measurement

  •  Metric equivalents for all non-metric units (except measurements of time, which have no metric equivalents) should be provided.
  •  All metric and non-metric units with numeric values (except some measurements of time) should be abbreviated.



  •  References should be cited in both the text and the references list.
  •  The text citations and reference list entries should agree in both spelling and date.
  •  Text citations to non-empirical work should be distinguished from citations to empirical work.
  •  Journal titles in the reference list should be spelled out fully.
  •  Inclusive page numbers for all articles or chapters in books should be provided in the reference list.
  •  References to studies included in a meta-analysis should be preceded by an asterisk.
  •  Sample reference style: Author name, 1., Author name, 2., & Author name, 3. (year of publication). Article title, Journal name, Volume no(issue no), xx-xx(page no). Link or DOI.


Author Notes and Footnotes

  •  The departmental affiliation should be given for each author in the author notes.
  •  The author note should include both the author's current affiliation if it is different from the byline affiliation and a current address for correspondence.
  •  The author note should disclose special circumstances about the article (portions presented at a meeting, student paper as basis for the article, report of a longitudinal study, relationship that may be perceived as a conflict of interest).
  •  In the text, all footnotes should be indicated, and footnote numbers correctly should be located.


Tables and Figures

  •  Every table column, including the stub column, should have a heading.
  •  All vertical table rules should be omitted.
  •  The elements in the figures should be large enough to remain legible after the figure has been reduced to the width of a journal column or page.
  •  Lettering in a figure should vary by no more than 4 point sizes of type.
  •  EPS , JPEG, or TIFF files of figures may be submitted in addition to the prints.
  •  Each figure should be labeled with the correct figure number and short article title.
  •  All figures and tables should be mentioned in the text and be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned.


Copyright and Quotations

 Written permission to use previously published text, tests or portions of tests, tables, or figures should be enclosed with the manuscript.

 Page or paragraph numbers should be provided in text for all quotations.



 On final acceptance, authors are required to obtain and provide to the editor all permissions necessary to reproduce in print and electronic from any copyrighted work.

  Journal metrics
Acceptance Rate
Submission to final decision
15 days
Acceptance to publication
7-10 days
H Index
Impact Factor
$ 150